Opportunity QREC offers two major
opportunities: classes and trials.

Lecture Take a Class

You can get credits from more than 30 subjects from basics to practice

Learning Flow

Trial Try

Internship programs in partnership with domestic and international institutions and companies, and
Providing opportunities for practice such as jointly held events

Why not give shape to your ideas in a more practical setting?

S.I.P Student Initiative Programs Support for students' creative activities

Regardless of department, major, individual or group, Kyushu University students are invited to apply for projects, and if selected, they can work toward the realization of their own ideas and plans under the support of QREC.

  • チャレンジ&クリエイション(C&C)

    Funded, year-long, university-wide project to promote student ideas and research.

  • アイデア・バトル

    Brush up on your ideas and take the next step!

  • Acceleration Program

    An intensive 8-week program for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to hypothesis testing on technology commercialization.

  • Kyusoukai Fund

    Organized by the founders who graduated from Kyushu University, Kyusokai supports the development of human resources who will support Japan in the future.

Voice A person who has taken classes at QREC,
Program participants,
Various voices were collected.

  • I recommend the "Global Seminar" lecture, which will help you to understand how to understand failures and challenge yourself.

  • Even if you don't have a clear idea of what you want to do, you can get inspiration from the many stimulating and diverse people you will meet at QREC.

  • I attended this program because I wanted to study something other than academic subjects. The teachers were kind and the students attending the course were very conscious.


The first thing I want to say out loud to students is "Don't assume too much about things."
The world is much wider and more diverse than you students may think, and in fact, there are many different options. Therefore, I think it is a waste to be too judgmental.

Another thing I often say when talking with students is "If you are not sure whether to do it or not, the only choice is 'do it'."
By repeating this process in your 20s, you will discover what you are suited for and what you like and dislike. Therefore, I would like you to use this approach while you are in your 20s to proactively take on changes and challenges.
"We provide such opportunities and support them." That is our role at QREC.