TOPTake a ClassCourse Model

Course Model

How you design your career, or what career path you choose at any given time, is up to each and every one of you to make your own free decisions.
No matter what occupation or position you have, whether you work for a company or start your own business, people with entrepreneurship are in demand.

The important thing is that it is necessary to “think and act with entrepreneurship.”

For students with a clear future career path

If your future career path is clear, there are QREC courses that match your future prospects, and the courses you should take will vary depending on your individual wishes. You can deepen your learning by systematically taking multiple courses from basics to applied/practical courses between undergraduate and graduate students.

Career path and recommended subjects

Subject nameStepCorporate new business
University researchers
Social entrepreneurEntrepreneur
FacultyGraduate studentFacultyGraduate studentFacultyGraduate studentFacultyGraduate student
Introduction to EntrepreneurshipBasicsUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attend
Idea Lab IBasicsUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attend
Entrepreneurship Career Design Basics
Digital Fabrication Tutorial Basics
Basics of Self-discovery for Career Design
Design Thinking Project Basics
Basic Entrepreneurship Accounting and Finance Basics
Basic Entrepreneurship Marketing Basics
Basic Entrepreneurship Strategic Theory Basics
Basic Entrepreneurship Organization Science Basics
Co-creation Practice with Industry on Ideathon / Hackathon Basics
Practical Introduction to Data Science Basics
Idea Lab II Basic Application
Digital Fabrication with Design Thinking Application
Entrepreneurial Intention Application
Technology Marketing GameApplication
Technology Marketing Game (English) Application
Applied Entrepreneurship MarketingApplication
Applied Entrepreneurship Organization Application
Innovation Management Application
Venture Finance Application
New Business Creation Application
Global Seminar (English)Practice
Social Entrepreneurship *Not offered in FY2024Practice
Advanced Lecture in Research Skills Development (English)Application Not availableUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attend
Advanced Lecture in Core Competence Management *Not offered in FY2024ApplicationUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attend
Entrepreneurship in Technology (Advanced)PracticeUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attend
Corporate Entrepreneurship (Advanced Lecture)PracticeUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attend
Idea Evaluation (Advanced lecture)PracticeUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attendUnable to attend
SDGs Entrepreneurship *Not offered in FY2024Practice
Global PBL programPractice
Lean StartupPractice
Entrepreneurship BootcampPractice
QREC internshipPractice

For students whose future career path is unclear

QREC subjects have a curriculum that can be developed step by step from basics to application/practice. If you don’t have a clear career path, but would like to learn about something you have some questions about, we recommend that you first take the basics course.
Among the QREC subjects, there may be subjects that lead to new discoveries and new futures that you never expected. We hope that each student will be able to freely chart their own career path by actively taking a wide range of QREC courses, not just the course model.

Study model for new student A, who has just entered Kyushu University

I decided to take the QREC course because I was able to study with students from various faculties and departments as well as working adults, so I could think about my future career from a variety of perspectives. First, I took “Introduction to Entrepreneurship.” There, I realized that ”entrepreneurship” is a very necessary skill in this day and age.
By taking this lecture, I wanted to actually give form to ideas that I wanted to solve in my daily life, so I took on the challenge of ”Idea Battle 2”.
When I was having trouble, I received advice from my mentor, conducted research, and refined my ideas, which made the project more realistic.

Based on our past activities, in order to turn failures into positives, we learned ”What does it mean to demonstrate entrepreneurship?” at the ”Global Seminar.” Next year, we have set a goal to take on the challenge of ”Challenge & Creation,” which is a step up from ”Idea Battle.”
In order to further expand the range of my career, I will continue to study ”Entrepreneurship Career Design”, where I can attend lectures by people who are active in various fields, so that I can design my own life. After taking the QREC course, I realized that I wanted to become a person who can create new value.

List of subjects taken by new student A

Subject nameSemesterStep
Introduction to EntrepreneurshipSpringBasics
Idea Battle (S.I.P student creative activity support)Late periodPractice
Global Seminar(English)First semester intensivePractice
Entrepreneurship Career DesignAutumnBasics
Other subjects taken:

Basic Entrepreneurship Organizational Science, Technology Marketing Game, Idea Lab I, Digital Fabrication Tutorial, Idea Lab II, Design Thinking Project

What kind of courses should students take in line with their career and career path? There are some subjects that all students should take in common, but the subjects you should take will differ depending on your career.
If you would like to receive study consultation, please feel free to let us know below.

Contact Us

QREC Office


Hours: Weekdays 9:00-17:00 *Except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, etc. If you are in a hurry, please call us.

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