TOP講義・イベント情報Changes due to Typhoon No. 4

Lectures and Events

Changes due to Typhoon No. 4

Typhoon No. 4 is forecast to approach Fukuoka Prefecture on Tuesday, July 5.
Due to traffic conditions and other factors, we will update this page with information on when the lecture will be online in advance.
The person in charge will also notify you by e-mail.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would appreciate it if you could check the information in advance.

【2022】Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
Due to the threat of a typhoon, the first lecture on Tuesday, July 5 will be conducted online.
(ZOOM link will be sent to the e-mail address registered at the time of registration.)
Basic Entrepreneurship Strategic Theory 
Tuesday, July 5 lecture will be changed to online due to the possible impact of a typhoon.
(Please check Moodle for online details.)