TOP講義・イベント情報活動報告【2023】Entrepreneurship Bootcamp ボストン研修実施報告



【2023】Entrepreneurship Bootcamp ボストン研修実施報告



この研修では、先進的なスタートアップエコシステムを形成しているボストンに訪れて、現地のスタートアップ関係者やバブソン大学の教員・学生達と自分達のビジネスプランについて議論し、ボストンのスタートアップエコシステムの様子を学びました。また、ボストンのCambridge Innovation Center (CIC)で、スタートアップ関係者の前で自分達のビジネスプランのピッチを行いました。




Day 1 / September 07, 2023

  • “Mass Challenge”施設見学、活動内容紹介
  • 起業家コミュニティイベントThursday Gathering参加。カスタマーインタビューを実施

Day 2 / September 08, 2023

  • Lab Central 施設の説明、入居企業Kano TherapeuticsのCEOとの質疑応答
  • MIT Delta-V Demo Day見学

Day 3 - Day 4 / September 09-10, 2023

  • チームによる現地調査

Day 5 / September 11, 2023

  • バブソン大学でのピッチとフィードバック
  • バブソン大学山川先生の講義受講
  • バブソン大学の学生によるQREC学生向け大学ツアー
  • バブソン大学の学生との交流

Day 6 / September 12, 2023

  • Roxbury Innovation Centerにて、ボストンのスタートアップエコシステムで活動している方々と学生とのディスカッションを実施。
  • 現地の学生に向けてピッチを実施。ハーバードビジネススクール学生によるフィードバック

Day 7 / September 13, 2023

  • ハーバードビジネススクール卒業生とのミーティング
  • MITの学生へのピッチとフィードバック
  • MITのアントレプレナーシップ・センターの新学期のコミュニティイベントに参加

Day 8 / September 14, 2023

  • Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC)にて最終ピッチ

Day 9 / September 15, 2023

  • ボストン研修の振り返り


Q1. ボストン研修で学んだことを教えてください。

I visited MIT, Harvard university and Babson College to learn about entrepreneurship and learn the skills for pitch by listening to other people presentations at MIT Demo Day. Along with that, I visited Mass Challenge, Lab central and Roxbury Innovation Center in Boston to know about their work that how are they supporting the students and researchers in bringing the new ideas to reality.

We learnt about the startup ecosystem in Boston by visiting to various entities such as universities, accelerators and incubators. We also got the first hand experience to pitch in front of different audience and get feedbacks from them.


The training program allowed me to better understand the Boston Startup Ecosystem. I learnt the importance of taking action and finding opportunities. This isn’t limited to finding incubators or accelerators, but finding the right community. It’s important to recognize that not everyone in your network needs to be a part of your company; some play pivotal roles as mentors, offering valuable advice and motivation.
Most importantly, Believe in yourself, otherwise, no one else will.
Someone told me, “Everyone here’s just faking it til’ they make it”. Confidence is key. To do that, not only do you have to convince others that you’re capable and qualified, but you’ve got to convince yourself. It might seem counter-intuitive to staying humble but, after all, how can we expect others to trust us or believe in our ideas if we don’t believe in ourselves first? Confidence, tempered with humility, is the key to gaining trust, both from within and from those around us.

Q2. ボストン研修の感想を教えてください。

The Boston training program is one filled with memories that will be engraved in my heart forever. It was an unforgettable experience where I met such incredibly talented and inspiring people. This program solidified my love for startups and innovation, making me even more motivated to persevere in spite of any adversity.



I think it is a great program for enhancing student’s abilities by giving them the chance to interact with people.

Q3. このチームで引き続きビジネスへの活動を続けたいと思いますか?

Yes, I think the most important part in each work is involving in team work.

I am really looking to work with the same team but for another idea.

I absolutely loved my team! We do plan on continuing the business after the program.
