
「グローバルな研究の観点から見たアントレプレナーシップ教育 ~我々は何を知っているか、何を知る必要があるか~ 」
方式:対面のみ/使用言語 英語のみ(同時通訳なし)
申込締切:2023年11月20日(月) ※11月30日(木)まで追加募集
■開会挨拶 QREC センター長 髙田 仁
(仮題)「 From Novice to Expert: Flipping the Script」
Dr. Colin Jones,
Associate Professor of Academic Development
University of Southern Queensland
(仮題)「How do perceived collective efficacy (PCE) and perceived self-efficacy (PSE) impact students’ entrepreneurial intentions and meta-cognition development during active learning programs of entrepreneurship」
QREC 助教 ネルグイ エンフザヤ
(仮題)「The impact of entrepreneurship education on the entrepreneurial behaviors: Mediating role of implementation intentions, entrepreneurial intentions」
東京大学産学協創推進本部 特任研究員 松井 克文 氏
東京大学産学協創推進本部 博士課程学生 冨田 佳奈 氏
(仮題)「A role of entrepreneurship courses on entrepreneurial intentions of university students: A case of Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST)」
Dr. Oyuntungalag Buyantur, Professor, Head of the Business Administration and Management Department
Mongolian University of Science and Technology
■開会挨拶 QREC 副センター長 五十嵐 伸吾
(仮題)「Developing Scalable, Impact-Driven Experiential Learning-based Entrepreneurship Education Programs」
Dr. Poh Kam Wong, Emeritus Professor, Business School
National University of Singapore
(仮題)「Preliminary Exploration of the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Alumni Behavior: Interviews with QREC Alumni Entrepreneurs」
QREC 助教 渡邉 由佳
(仮題)「Business Model Generation on Sustainability for Quality Education – Case method Approach」
Dr. Hoe Chin Goi, Professor, Department of Business Administration
Kishore Kumar François, Assistant Director of International Affairs
Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
(仮題)「A foundational view on entrepreneurship education: The central role of methods of practice」
Dr. Yashar Mansoori, Researcher, School of Entrepreneurship
Chalmers University of Technology
(仮題)「Entrepreneurship Educators: A configurational analysis of factors influencing pedagogical choices」
Dr. Shahrokh Nikou, Assistant Professor, Department Design, Organization and Strategy
Delft University of Technology
(仮題)「Entrepreneurship Education from the Research Perspective: Where Do We Go Next?」
Dr. Norris Krueger, Distinguished Research Fellow QREC
QREC Dr. Norris Krueger
National University of Singapore Dr. Poh Kam Wong
University of Southern Queensland Dr. Colin Jones
九州大学 学術研究・産学官連携本部 知財・ベンチャー創出グループ 准教授 金子 晃介
九州大学 ロバート・ファン/アントレプレナーシップ・センタ―(QREC)
〒819-0395 福岡市西区元岡744 センター5号館 7F
助教 ネルグイ エンフザヤ (mail: enkhzaya★qrec.kyushu-u.ac.jp )
TEL 092-802-6060 Fax 092-802-6065 mail:info★qrec.kyushu-u.ac.jp